It is always about the people

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Designing the right employee experience is key to attracting new talent, developing our people and ultimately delivering a much better business outcome.

Last year was big for us. We strategised, wrote, created, and modified different solutions to solve a range of challenges: Both our own and our clients. Not everything was perfect, but the things that weren’t, we took a deeper look at and we uncovered a pattern: The way we work together both internally and externally. Sure complex business workflows and system might help to solve this – but we all know that at its core, it’s always about the people.

Our battle to achieve smooth collaboration and flow is happening every day. It’s a battle we feel is worth fighting tooth & nail for. It’s an epic battle that will determine the future of our organisation. Only when we get it right within our own crew – can we comfortably tell our clients all about it. It’s an inside out process.


We don’t focus on building a business. We focus on building people up and in turn they champion the business on our behalf.

The journey starts from a shared belief across the organisation. One put into motion by leaders that are completely committed to living by a clear value system. What comes next is shared thinking, whereby people begin to contribute ideas & solve problems because they are confident in the vision and direction. As we move from one stage to the next, we begin to see that there is less resistance and in turn our productivity increases.

Like with any great change, a blind eye can sometimes be turned, having a direct impact on that area. It was interesting to see that when we began to focus on our employee experience our clients experience improved as a by-product.

It’s clear that we are living in an era of experiences where clients engage with a “why” rather than a “what”. For us, the “why” is central to everything that we do and it bleeds through our culture in all permeation. It’s not simply part of our brand, it far exceeds any label a brand would attach to it, for us, this “thing” is owned by our audiences and the people we engage with each and every day.
