Encouraging Victorians to be Waterwise

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As part of its mission to encourage sustainable water use, South East Water undertook field studies to determine the factors that affect water use in business and residential areas. From these studies, South East Water developed a series of extremely sophisticated excel worksheets that functioned as “calculators.”

By transforming these complex calculators into personable simulators, we made them approachable for families and business owners, encouraging sustainable water usage across South Eastern Victoria.



Creating a friendly face for complex calculators

In order to make sophisticated calculators personable for home owners and children, we explored many silhouettes in search for a friendly and intelligent figure. This led us to Geoff the Frog; A down to earth neighbour that loves giving you tips on how to save water.


Storyboarding & Animating

We created videos of Geoff the Frog providing tips on how to be water smart around the home. These videos were used inside the water wise app and also in his very own Water Discovery Headquarters (portal).

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Helping families save on water bills, and also the planet.

As part of Geoff's Water Discovery Headquarters, we developed a web application that simulates home water usage. By setting up a house or an apartment unit with your family members and water-using equipment in the garden, bathroom, kitchen, and laundry, the app would help you create a water savings plan.

This wasn't only about saving money.  The main focus of this 3D interactive app was to encourage families to change their daily habits, and discover better water drainage solutions such as rain gardens, in order to help save the planet.

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Raising awareness of the effects of storm water

To further encourage Victorians to make positive water drainage choices, we crafted a single-page campaign that educates the community about the negative effects of water run-off on hard surfaces.

In order to craft an engaging experience for the local community to learn and act on, we designed a website so that when as the user scrolls, the world rotates, enabling users to follow raindrops as it runs off the urban areas back into nature. 

Using recognisable Melbourne iconic buildings, the web page was crafted to immerse the audience into a world in which they can relate to, telling the story of the urban water cycle - both as it stands now, and how they can make positive change.


We didn't stop at encouraging families to save water. We also tapped into businesses.

We created an investment payback calculator portal for business owners to encourage sustainable business decisions.

Being the first of its kind in Australia, it received great interest from water businesses and government departments across the country.
